ProCanics™ Calculator

Opt for ProGanics BSM over topsoil and compost for premium fill at a lower price. Simply enter your project information to generate an estimate and calculate cost savings.

ProGanics™ has been designed as a source of organic matter and soil building components to replace or supplement topsoil. It is not intended as a standalone product and a complementary hydraulically-applied or rolled erosion control product should be placed above this Engineered Soil Media. Please be sure to include costs of erosion control products to be installed above ProGanics, topsoil, compost and/or other source of organic matter.

Volume Based Topsoil and/ or Compost

Material Cost


Compost/ Other

Transportation & Installation Cost

Material Hauling


Compost/ Other



Compost/ Other

Total Transportation & Installation Cost:

Total Cost:






Total Installed ProGranics™ Cost:

Total ProGranics™ Cost Savings:

ProGanics™ application rate is dependent on percentage of organic matter determined from soil testing.

You can analyze your total project costs using our convenient master calculator in Profile Soil Solutions Software at:

Please consult with Profile Products or your local distributor regarding your site conditions.

Need Help Using the ProGanics™ Calculator or Additional Support on Your Project?

Contact us at:

If you need immediate assistance, click here to find the closest branch. Hours of operation Monday – Friday 8a.m. – 6p.m.

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