Water Meter Systems

Save valuable resource time when upgrading water meters in your municipality with expert help from Ferguson.

In addition to offering you a wide range of water meters in a variety of AMI and AMR metering technologies, we go the extra mile by providing in-house water meter installation assistance in select locations. We make it simple to find the right meters based on your municipality’s needs and install them, freeing up your workforce hours.

Contact us to see how we can customize an AMI system for your utility.

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Discover how our water meter installation services work and how they will benefit you

We can help you increase revenue for your utility through an AMR or AMI metering solution that incorporates a system-wide integration of technologies. Our Meter & Automation Group will work with you to deliver solutions that enhance efficiencies, drive greater metering control and set up your system for long-term success.

We’ve aligned with leading vendors of metering products in select states. Our offering, which varies by state, includes Kamstrup, Master Meter, Neptune and Sensus.

These meter systems are available in your state.

Finance your meter system upgrade

Upgrading to an AMR or AMI meter system is a smart investment that can lead to increased revenue, and the option to finance this investment allows utilities to work the upfront costs into their operating budget. Ferguson Waterworks can help you realize the advantages of financing your utility meter system upgrade through our free Financial Benefits Analysis checklist.

To learn more about financing options or for your free, no-obligation Financial Benefits Analysis, email Ferguson Waterworks today.

Case Studies

From solving challenging application issues to severe weather response, there is no better partner than Ferguson Waterworks. Let our past performance speak for itself.

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