Technology solutions across the water cycle
Discover technology solutions for metering, IoT remote monitoring, GPS data collection and AI to increase efficiency. Ferguson offers intelligent technology solutions to help private and public water agencies save resources on every project. Benefit from our capabilities that drive value across the water cycle: we supply PVF, assist with automated metering, help reduce non-revenue water loss, collect GPS data, implement AI and more.
Contact us to learn more about our Intelligent Utility Technology Solutions.
PVF for municipal waterworks
Our solutions begin with pipe, valves and fittings you can rely on. Through our distribution network, nationwide delivery, vendor relationships and local market expertise, we help underground utility and municipal services address every job. With industry-leading fill rates, we can provide ductile iron, PVC and HDPE PVF and much more that meet local requirements and specifications.
Automated metering technology for water distribution
Ferguson partners with leading vendors across the country for automated metering equipment, and our Meter & Automation Group can provide continuous support for public and private utilities and municipalities from planning to purchase, installation and beyond. Increase efficiency with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and improve cash flow with automatic meter reading (AMR).
IoT solutions for water
Become more proactive with IoT remote monitoring solutions across the water cycle. Applications such as pressure and flow monitoring, leak detection, water quality and more can help increase labor efficiency while helping with regulation compliance, reporting requirements and water conservation.
IoT solutions for wastewater
Gain visibility from the collection system to the treatment plant with Ferguson IoT remote monitoring solutions. Flow monitoring applications assist with billing and custody transfer as well as excessive inflow and infiltration (I&I). Keep a close eye on wet weather events from lift station and rainfall monitoring to combined and sanitary sewer overflows.
GPS data collection solutions
Building the foundation you need to make data-driven decisions starts with high-accuracy GPS data collection. Using any mobile device, your team can capture field assets with our user-friendly tools. Our software platform then integrates seamlessly to build or maintain an accurate geographic information system (GIS) to better manage your water assets.